目前分類:吃喝玩樂、雜七雜八 (26)

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Abstract from Wikipedia:

The Treaty of San Francisco, or San Francisco Peace Treaty, between the Allied Powers and Japan was officially signed by 49 nations on September 8, 1951 in San Francisco, California. It came into force on April 28, 1952. Although commonly known as the 'Treaty of San Francisco', its actual name is Treaty of Peace with Japan.

This treaty served officially to end World War II, to end formally Japan's position as an imperial power and to allocate compensation to Allied civilians and former prisoners of war who had suffered Japanese war crimes.

Neither the Nationalist Republic of China nor the Communist People's Republic of China were invited to the San Francisco Peace Conference and therefore neither signed this treaty. The Republic of China, however, enacted a separate Treaty of Taipei with Japan on April 28,1952 just hours before the Treaty of San Francisco went into effect, which acknowledged the terms of the San Francisco Treaty but added that all residents of Taiwan, the Pescadores were nationals of the Republic of China. Since the Treaty of Taipei did not come into force until August 5, 1952, almost 3 months after the San Francisco Peace Treaty came into force, whether the treaty of Taipei conclusively addresses the dispositon of Taiwan is disputed.

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愛台灣是不分泛藍泛綠!! 台灣主權和民主是為我們自己的未來, 不要眼看人權自由被剝奪了才來後悔!!

Red Caution Part 1

Red Caution Part 2

Red Caution Part 3

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Written by Jason Lee. Translated and edited by Anita Lee.

The People's Republic of China was only established as a country on 1st October 1949. At the same time, Taiwan was colonized by Japan since 1985 and every Taiwanese held Japanese citizenship until after the fall of Japan in WWII and subsequently gave up rule over Taiwan on 28th April 1952. Since 1985 to the present day, the People's Republic of China has never held sovereignty or any kind of rule over Taiwan. The argument that Taiwan is a part of China is totally baseless and legally incorrect under International Law. To say that Taiwan is part of China’s territory is untrue. It simply goes against logic that China needs to seek reassurance from other countries in the international community to explicitly state that Taiwan is a part of China when only what China has to do is to establish any evidence of rule or sovereignty in Taiwan. The fact is that Taiwan is a democratic, self-governing country which has never been a part of China.

The convention sets out the definition, rights and duties of statehood. Most well-known is article 1, which sets out the four criteria for statehood that have sometimes been recognized as an accurate statement of customary international law.

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我是台灣人不是中國人 I am a Taiwanese not a Chinese

台灣這塊土地是全體台灣人所擁有,誰都不能自台灣人手上奪走,台灣主體意識是台灣人賴以維生的靈魂,崇尚自由、民主、人權是台灣人追求的目標。美日太平洋戰中,美軍解放了台灣,依照美國憲法、海牙第四公約(1907年)和舊金山和平條約(1952年),美國軍事政府暫時握有台灣澎湖地區的管轄權,台灣國際地位已經明確。【台灣地位宣言】 www.taiwanadvice.com/declarrch.htm 公佈於二零零六年三月二十九日,林志昇等於二零零六年十月二十四日向華盛頓特區聯邦法院提出控訴美國政府,【Roger C. S. Lin v. USA, Civil Action No.06-1825(RMC)】業經審理在案,懇請所有台灣人支持本連署『我們是台灣人』活動,讓台灣早日脫離中國文攻武嚇與飛彈威脅,在美國輔導下,根據國際法及戰爭法建立台灣人美麗和平的國家。


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還不錯的測驗~~ 很直得一試!


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超級星光大道: 林芯儀的版本

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作詞:武雄     作曲:薛忠銘

 你說 不是所有愛情 都能夠釀成一首 流行歌
我說 不是所有分手 都能夠再虛偽的 做朋友

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囧... ㄎㄠˋ....每次搭飛機前一天晚上阿, 基本上都是不用睡的..
因為我承認...我是個time management skills=0又非常粗線條的idiot = =".....
超累的.. 前幾天睡眠時間也都很少......

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為了final exams...讓我最近兩個禮拜的生活幾乎是..........................待在學校讀書+灌reb bull吃宵夜到天亮.....回家睡覺.....吃晚餐.....然後再回到學校....灌red bull...讀書+吃宵夜....天亮才睡覺....不斷的重複.....  這是我的讀書方式啦... 因為晚上算是對我來說最有效率的k書時間吧....降說大概會被很多人覺得是瘋子, 哈哈=O=....過的天昏地暗的...昨天朋友跟我說~ "今天friday night耶, 怎麼沒出門?!" 根本都把friday忘的一乾二淨....哈哈, 也算是好事啦!! Don't need to go out...

昨天考完第一科, 今天白天稍微relax了一下...跟朋友去stress relief的"小"shopping了一下~~XDD 先去Huffer(NZ設計師)的sale買一了tee, 哈哈以前也沒聽過這個牌子, 但appearantly在NZ滿紅的耶0.0 然後下午在New Market發現了一個超棒的jeans brand "KSUBI ++"(以前叫做TSUBI).  Ksubi跟Sass & Bide一樣都是澳洲的品牌. 以前沒買過Ksubi的東西, 今天敗了一條Ksubi Lean Bean Jeans (wet raw)~~~OMG超愛的...根本就perfect fit.....非常合身, 大腿看起來瘦很多, 腳踝那裡又不會太窄. 我很少試穿jeans時一穿上就會馬上覺得這麼順眼的說! 左腿靠近膝蓋的後方還有兩個小小的" ++ "的logo很特別! 原本也有打算試穿Super skinny zips, 但是因為本人腿比較短-o- 買褲子時幾乎都需要改短, 所以就作罷囉~!! Ksubi牛仔褲的特色就是堅持手工刷色的 & 幾乎都是ultra fit那種"超合身"的剪裁.....真是好物啊~~
Ksubi Lean Bean Jeans (raw rinse) Original source from mycatwalk.com.au

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善~~ 心存善念那是一定的啦 XD (哈)


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影片中含本人斷斷續續的出現+解說狀況...真是不好意思 XD

今天去Sushi Train吃午餐的的路上竟然在Albert St碰到Auckland年度的街頭AV裸體遊行... Annual Erotica Lifestyle Parade. 站在路邊拍的記者跟路人多到不行.....這新聞連Taipei Times也有登說... 呵呵, 今天的畫面也有被我用手機錄下來~~ 可是並沒有很清楚, 因為我忘了我的N73可以ZOOM......^^" 遊行裡所有的都是國際的的PORN STAR, 有猛男也有超多身材正到不行的AV女優. 他們每年會分別在全國舉行Erotica Lifestyle Expo(成人AV展). 在Auckland的就是這個週末. 聽說還滿有趣的, 可是去年沒去到. 這次有時間的話可能會去玩玩+見識見識吧, 哈哈 :P 其實這次也是我第一次見識這種AV裸體遊行, 去年第一次聽說的時候也是超震驚的!! 但現在知道這種活動在NZ都算是很open和健康的文化啦, 在這連prostitution(娼妓)都是合法的咧.....@@"...

Erotica Lifestyle Parade on Albert Street AKL --- Part 1

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今天看完Breach那部電影後....我們三個決定買一本美食書, 來個一個月一次的美食聚餐!! 今天這次除外, 根本說不太上很好吃= =
美食聚餐這個點子跟那部電影沒啥關係...... 反正目前決定下個月要去的是Viaduct的Wildfire Restaurant~~ 嘿嘿, 想加入的人可以跟我說....!! 雷小雞你阿, 太遠了吃不到吃不到~~~XDDD

第一站地點是在Auckland Mission Bay的Bay Bistro Restaurant.
我不太會寫什麼美食評論捏... Hmmm.... Eye fillet & 醬汁味道都還不錯, 但是牛排本身根本是"溫"的. 一點都不熱~ 而且他的Caesar salad竟然沒有poached eggs....or any eggs at all!!! Not very satisfying, anyway overall評價給他打個4分吧. 還是Angus Steak house比較好吃! 雖然是個以後不會再去的餐廳, 但是跟好友一起用餐還是很愉快的^-^

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me & c hu

今年的DV8有辦的比較像樣點了... 有比去年&前年好多了啦!!!
很可惜那天只匆匆忙忙的拍了一、兩張照片........ 超掛~_~...手機丟了又被人撿回來... etc etc....

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從ANGEL那邊轉載過來的 ^..^
有驚到~~ 很準說!! 有興趣的人慢慢玩吧!!!

看測驗的答案時可能要把滑鼠移到圖檔上面, 讓他放大看的比較清楚!!


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都在忙著找part time job..

昨晚去fu Bar捧場朋友的rap performance
第一次見識到live underground rap這種場面說~~ 真很精采!
總共有三組.. 全都是韓國人. 韓國人也真團結, 整個場子幾乎都被韓國人淹沒了!! 超熱鬧的~

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我就是喜歡這種歌聲... 這種把情緒"嘶吼"出來的搖滾抒情歌....-_-!!!

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女人要的其實很簡單, 只是那種感覺嘛!!
真的很好笑~~ 不過還滿寫實的, 哈哈.

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