Aesop的心得文已經想寫很久啦~~~ 只是一直很懶 XD
其實寫這些只是興趣啦... 因為是自己的blog, 所以可以很隨性的寫寫就好~~還滿好玩的! 我的心得文是不負責任的!! 只提供當參考噢~ :P

這些我第一次接觸的Aesop產品. 非常滿意!! 真的越來越愛無添加 & 天然保養品了說 ^^

Aesop Parsley Seed Anti-Oxidant Eye Cream 香芹籽抗氧化眼霜

這罐眼霜質地是弄稠的乳霜狀. 淡淡的天然香味. 不會勳眼睛. 第一次用是在年初去南島(NZ)玩的時候. NZ氣候乾燥早晚溫差也很大, 一天當中都能感受到一年四季的天氣-_-... 去南島旅行那時候幾乎天天
都睡眠不足, 皮膚都黯淡無光看起來很疲倦..尤其是眼睛周圍. 我本身黑眼圈本來就很嚴重了所以眼部需要做的遮瑕工作本來就很多, 加上旅行天天皮膚都很疲倦, 變的開始不太吃妝有點浮粉.

1. 先用杜克眼霜
這種方法是很有用啦, 不過後來換成Aesop(單獨使用
眼霜)根本不需要再用Clinique水磁場眼膠. 用Aesop超保溼, 超好上妝的!! 一整天下來即使皮膚開始疲倦變暗沉+在那麼冷的氣候下也沒有乾燥的現象!! 當時真的有很驚艷的感覺!! 第二次開始使用有持續一個多禮拜, 這次是有搭配Aesop香芹籽眼部精華一起使用. 眼周圍整天的水嫩感有比單獨使用Aesop香芹籽眼霜還優. 眼霜+精華液都是很保溼沒錯, 消除浮腫也算不錯, 但是缺點是它沒有特別淡化黑眼圈的作用sad/_\ 個人覺得除非眼周皮膚問題較多或是輕熟女膚質, 不然單獨使用眼霜就很夠營養了. 喔對, 使用後並沒有長肉芽哦! 雖然這罐眼霜才小小10g價錢就滿驚人的, 不過用量非常省, 因為延展性太好啦!!! 除了對黑眼圈無效, 不然我對這罐眼霜整體來說頗滿意的!! 以前一直都認為全天然的臉部保養品一定不怎麼樣, 現在這觀念完全被推翻了啦 XD!!


★ = 一顆星, ☆ = 半顆星
立即補水度: ★★★★☆
保濕持久度: ★★★★★
消除浮腫: ★★☆
肉芽: 無

Product description from Aesop official site:
Rich anti-oxidant balancing cream for the delicate skin around the eyes.
This potent and rich cream is designed specifically for the delicate skin surrounding the eyes. The blend of concentrated botanical extracts in this exceptional product includes Carrot Extract, Lavender, Grapefruit Seed and Chamomile that, in conjunction with Parsley Seed extract, constitutes a potent combination suited to all skin types. The inclusion of Sodium Lactate means that this product also possesses very efficient skin tone balancing properties, designed to counteract visible indications of fatigue around the eyes.

Aesop Parsley Seed Anti-Oxidant Eye Serum 香芹籽抗氧化眼部精華

這是一瓶接近水狀的透明精華液, 跟
香芹籽眼霜同樣的淡淡的天然香味, 也不會勳眼睛. 用量很省, 只要在眼霜之前輕點在眼周圍得皮膚即可. 我只拿這瓶精華液跟同樣系列的香芹籽眼霜搭配使用過. 用了就像上面說的一樣, 會更提升保濕度. 但是必須搭配眼霜使用, 不然會不夠滋潤. 這瓶精華液我沒有長期使用, 所以還沒有看到任何其他的效果喔.

立即補水度: ★★★
消除浮腫: ★★★☆

Seed Anti-Oxidant Eye Cream + Eye Serum 香芹籽眼霜+精華液搭配使用評價:
立即補水度: ★★★★★
保濕持久度: ★★★★★
淡化黑眼圈: ★★
消除浮腫: ★★★☆

Product description from Aesop official site:
Daily anti-oxidant hydrating treatment for all skin types.
Did you know that after your lips, the skin under your eyes is the thinnest on your body? This silicone-free serum is designed to address the specific needs of this area. Parsley Seed, Carrot extract and the purest Aloe Vera provide potent botanical hydration that absorbs rapidly, and is combined with the anti-oxidant protection of Vitamins A, B, C and E. Suited to all skin types and climate, and humid and urban environments in particular.

Aesop Oil Free Hydrating Serum 無油保濕精華露

稍微稠稠的透明精華液. 有一點黏膩感. 超級保溼!!! 用了之後一樣有很驚艷的感覺. 很surprised天然的精華液竟然可以達到這麼立即+持久的保濕效果!! 持久度很好, 一整天皮膚都還是一樣水嫩!! On top of that, it's OIL FREE!!! 我是沒有單獨使用啦, 不過櫃姊說如果是混合性或油性膚質, 可以直接拿來當moisturiser根本不需要再擦乳液就可以持續保濕囉. 推薦推薦!!

立即補水度: ★★★★☆
保濕持久度: ★★★★☆

Product description from Aesop official site:
Daily anti-oxidant moisturiser for oily, combination or sensitive skins.
Pure Aloe Vera Juice provides the base for this revolutionary hydration alternative. For those who find cream hydration just too heavy for their skin type, this is the answer, providing light hydration and also reducing the stickiness of the skin surface. Perfect for use in humid or polluted climates.

Aesop Mandarin Facial Hydrating Cream

很清爽的乳霜質地. 可能比較適合油性肌膚吧, 我是混合肌, 根本不夠保濕. 擦了過一下就感覺好乾啊.... 囧...幸好我是用先要來的試用包...

立即補水度: ★★☆
清爽度: ★★★★

Product description from Aesop official site:
Daily moisturising cream for normal to oily and combination skin types.
This is our lightest Hydrating Cream and fits into the Aesop range between Primrose Facial Hydrating Cream and Oil Free Facial Hydrating Serum. It is perfect for combination skins, summertime use, or night-time use on oilier skin types. The superb Hazel base is rapidly absorbed, whilst the crisp citrus notes leave skin feeling cool and fresh. Use in conjunction with Fabulous Face Cleanser or Amazing Face Cleanser.

明天開學 + 第一天上班training... 要趕快ㄑ洗澎澎睡覺囉!!
杜克+Clarins的眼霜心得明後天再寫嚕 ^^"....

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    ๑ j e n i 杰米妮๑ 。

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